smooshkin @ patreon

is creating art, anims, visual novels and mooore!


My work should only be enjoyed by an 18+ audience.Please scroll down to see what I offer on my patreon!


first! gain access to my patron-only update channels on can link your patreon and discord here!


second, I regularly create process videos and provide PSDs or high-res uploads of patron-requested art!

goodies and species

i also sometimes create brushes and bases!
these are a lot of fun but can be time consuming... patreon helps to fund the time these and process vids take.

species, adopts...

if you like making OCs, all of my created species and world builds are open to patrons!patrons can even sell adopts of them!

what i want to do

i want to expand more into animation & complex projects. i have taken many hours to learn these skills but i don't always have the time to use them.patreon is my primary source of income that allows me to focus on actually furthering my skills.

recently my patreon also began to support me and my dev team as we build 2D games!this is a huge project for us and if you're interested in playing our games or visual novels, please support us!

thank you!

click me

even if you can't help, you can still support my art in other ways!click for links to my personal website and linktree for places you can follow me!